My Crazy Life

My life as I live it....

24 February 2006

Matt and Dan are here!

Dan, me, Matt

These to guys "adopted" me last year, my freshman year in college. If you ask Dan what this means he will tell you this "you owe your life time me, without me you wouldn't have made it through" or something very very similar. Matt and Dan are great and unfortunately they both graduated from here last spring... Every so often I will see Dan on campus as he is engaged to Christine, who still goes here. So that is nice, but Matt lives way to far away!

So Matt came up because he is currently between terms at seminary. Yay for breaks! I miss these guys, granted, last year we really didn't do a lot together, but it was really great because they both just kind of made sure I was doing alright. They would take me off campus from time to time and once, even blind folded me and took me out for food (Matt and Dan, that was my birthday which we celebrate in March I think?).

When I talked to Matt and realized he was up here I managed to find him in the library here at school (Dan called me, though I told Matt he had to, geez Matt, way to call, oh wait, he did while I was right there with him in the library, sorry, my bad!). We talked for a while until they went off to find people and I went off to choir. Then they wanted me to go to the Highland House with them, but I had a hall program I had to go to. I totally would have been there otherwise!

Then I went and played Farkel with my old roomies from last year. I miss seeing them everyday. I see them a lot more now because in the last months I have made it more of a point to see them and they me. They are soo fun to be around and wonderful people. Arla at least made for a great roommate! So we played Farkel (my first time I think) and then Matt, Dan, Christine and I went to go to swing dancing which was fun. Now I am here writing this. But I miss Matt and Dan a lot and am really happy that they are back on campus for a little bit and I get to see them and hang out.

Yeah, this post is dedicated to them. :-)
That's all.

Oh, and check out my like called FB photos.

19 February 2006

Working Out

So, I am horrible at actually doing something that I say I am going to do. But last week after thinking about how I need to work out for quite some time before it, I finally broke down and said, I will start tomorrow (tomorrow was Wednesday) which actually turned into Friday because, there was a good reason, I just don't remember at the moment, something about a late night I think. So Friday morning I woke up bright and early to go exercising at 6:30am. It felt great! I did some running and biking. I went back today (yesterday I ran around helping out at a wedding, so afterwards I was tired of running from one place to another all day) and all the treadmills were being used so I started with some circuit training and then moved onto a bike and eventually the treadmill when one finally opened up. Now I am going to go at 6:30am most weekday morning and get there when I can on weekends. It feels so great! Those of you who don't work out, you really should, it has a lot of benefits. Anyways, just thought I'd share that with you all.

16 February 2006


Yay, for snow! So today we are having a large snow storm and classes have been canceled for the rest of the day. I was supposed to have Spanish this morning, but her she had to stay home to tend to a sick child. Then I went to history and my professor comes to tell us campus is being shut down at noon and if we want to stay we can, but if we don't we can leave. Well, we all left. What we were going to do can wait until Tuesday. Also my science lab was cancelled for the afternoon. What does this mean for me? I have more time to work on that book review that is due tomorrow, to which I haven't read the book completely through yet...

13 February 2006

Wow, what a crazy week!

So, sometimes things in life seem to go crazy at times and well, things have been happening. I will just give the highlights of my week last week. Here we go:

I got my trip to Germany booked! Now all I have to do is find some way to get cheap train tickets for two months... Any ideas for cheap travel within Germany? I would like to travel mostly on train when I am there. This is really great because now I get to see all my friends from Germany whom by that point I have seen in 3 or 4 years. I can say 4 because some of them I haven't seen since the beginning of my year there in '02-'03.

Also, going to Abiball seems to be a very formal event. I will probably end up mailing my prom dress before I go there. Which is pretty exciting because I have wanted to wear that dress again since I wore it for prom.

That last really exciting thing is that I got a package from a really great friend from Germany on Thursday. Iris, those gummi bears were simply great and I shared them with a few friends, one of which was really happy to have some green gummi bears. She ate one and had a look of joy on her face. She's such a goof. The calendar (Iris added pictures to a calendar) is hanging on my wall.

Anyways, those are some of the great things that have happened. I really should get back to reading a book for a book review that's due Friday.

08 February 2006

CIT and Humoring My Brother

So, CIT is this big tournament between the Concordias and it was at mine this year. My cousin Rachel came up with Aaron, Violet and Jim. Unfortunately I have no picture of Aaron, but I have ones of the rest of us. It was a lot of fun and great to see Rachel again and of course Violet and Jim.

Ok, now to humor my brother and have everyone hope that I might actually post a bit more often!

So Daniel tagged me and I choose to accept! ha ha ha ha ha ha

Four jobs I've had

1. Paper route
2. Baby sitting
3. Camp Counselor
4. RA

Four movies I watch over and over again

1. Phantom of the Opera
3. Princess Bride
4. The Incredibles

Four places I've lived

1. Ingolstadt Germany
2. Düsseldorf Germany
3. Oerel Germany
4. Pawnee City Nebraska USA

Four websites I visit daily

1. Facebook
2. Google
3. My email
4. CUW

Four folks now tagged by meme

Daniel pretty much covered those, well instead of Chris and myself it would have been him and who knows who else...

Band Tour -- Portland and Seattle

Oh! Before I forget to mention. My blog has had 12 squared visitors! Ha ha, now who's the true dork! ME!

This year band tour was the third week of Winterim (aka the third week of January) like every other year. Last year we went to Hawaii and check this out, the Pacific Northeast beats Hawaii any day in my book! So we went to Portland first and then drove out to Seattle and it was amazing!

Basically I decided (just as I decided about any where in Italy, Weimar Germany, Munich Germany, oh and Düsseldorf Germany) that I am moving to Oregon. There are several reasons to move there and not Washington. There are no taxes and Bill Gates and Paul Allen do not own the place. Ok, so there are two big ones. Most people when they think of the Pacific Northwest (hey fellow band members I got the right direction this time!) they think ewy gross rain all day long and how horrible that is. Well, I loved it! Every single drop of it! The temperature was great and I am told the summers aren't too warm either. Basically all that means is that it has a great climate. Cool and rainy.

Those of you who don't know this, heat is evil.

Well here are some pictures of our tour. So good!

These falls are so beautiful! There are some really neat hiking paths there too.

Ahh, beautiful Oregon scenery, I am definitely in love.

Another photo by the falls.

Some of us stayed on a college campus and the dorms are little apartments! Me want a kitchen and no more cafeteria.

Knitting! I learned how to from Lynn, the one on the right.

They guys in the airport on our way home. Who'd have thought?

Inside Airforce 1

A $1,000 elevator, or uh, I mean bathroom! You have to pay to use it and it opens automatically after 10 minutes. Let's hope you don't need that long! Oh, it is at the market in Seattle.

Yes, this is Airforce 1.

Basically band tour was a bunch of fun.

Time to play catch up!

So, remember when I wrote not to expect a nice flow of posts? Yeah, well, that has proven to be true hasn't it?

Anyways, a lot of really great things have been going on, so I will try to give the basic run down of events.

So this is a picture of a dear lady's confirmation certificate from one of my Dad's parishes. My Dad was wondering what the translation of these were and wanted to make sure he had the correct Bible passages and hymn stanzas (the Bible passages are sometimes one or two numbers different in the German Bible).

Well, as a proper language geek would do, I was all over this task and went at it full out. Well, I pulled out my German Bible at one point to check the verse and I pulled out my English Bible to compare it or whatever, I probably did more than I needed to, and something truly amazing happened. The address list from my horse campers feel out of the cover of my German Bible!

See, I worked out at a camp this summer and one week all my girls gave me their addresses and then I lost them... Ooops. Well, now the lost is found and I am very happy about that! This was all right before I went on band tour in January. Talk about really cool!

Now I still need to write them all a letter, there weren't a lot of them, so it shouldn't take too long. Hey! It is something to do during science class...
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