Matt and Dan are here!

Dan, me, Matt
These to guys "adopted" me last year, my freshman year in college. If you ask Dan what this means he will tell you this "you owe your life time me, without me you wouldn't have made it through" or something very very similar. Matt and Dan are great and unfortunately they both graduated from here last spring... Every so often I will see Dan on campus as he is engaged to Christine, who still goes here. So that is nice, but Matt lives way to far away!
So Matt came up because he is currently between terms at seminary. Yay for breaks! I miss these guys, granted, last year we really didn't do a lot together, but it was really great because they both just kind of made sure I was doing alright. They would take me off campus from time to time and once, even blind folded me and took me out for food (Matt and Dan, that was my birthday which we celebrate in March I think?).
When I talked to Matt and realized he was up here I managed to find him in the library here at school (Dan called me, though I told Matt he had to, geez Matt, way to call, oh wait, he did while I was right there with him in the library, sorry, my bad!). We talked for a while until they went off to find people and I went off to choir. Then they wanted me to go to the Highland House with them, but I had a hall program I had to go to. I totally would have been there otherwise!
Then I went and played Farkel with my old roomies from last year. I miss seeing them everyday. I see them a lot more now because in the last months I have made it more of a point to see them and they me. They are soo fun to be around and wonderful people. Arla at least made for a great roommate! So we played Farkel (my first time I think) and then Matt, Dan, Christine and I went to go to swing dancing which was fun. Now I am here writing this. But I miss Matt and Dan a lot and am really happy that they are back on campus for a little bit and I get to see them and hang out.
Yeah, this post is dedicated to them. :-)
That's all.
Oh, and check out my like called FB photos.