CIT and Humoring My Brother
So, CIT is this big tournament between the Concordias and it was at mine this year. My cousin Rachel came up with Aaron, Violet and Jim. Unfortunately I have no picture of Aaron, but I have ones of the rest of us. It was a lot of fun and great to see Rachel again and of course Violet and Jim.

Ok, now to humor my brother and have everyone hope that I might actually post a bit more often!
So Daniel tagged me and I choose to accept! ha ha ha ha ha ha
Four jobs I've had
1. Paper route
2. Baby sitting
3. Camp Counselor
4. RA
Four movies I watch over and over again
1. Phantom of the Opera
3. Princess Bride
4. The Incredibles
Four places I've lived
1. Ingolstadt Germany
2. Düsseldorf Germany
3. Oerel Germany
4. Pawnee City Nebraska USA
Four websites I visit daily
1. Facebook
2. Google
3. My email
4. CUW
Four folks now tagged by meme
Daniel pretty much covered those, well instead of Chris and myself it would have been him and who knows who else...

Ok, now to humor my brother and have everyone hope that I might actually post a bit more often!
So Daniel tagged me and I choose to accept! ha ha ha ha ha ha
Four jobs I've had
1. Paper route
2. Baby sitting
3. Camp Counselor
4. RA
Four movies I watch over and over again
1. Phantom of the Opera
3. Princess Bride
4. The Incredibles
Four places I've lived
1. Ingolstadt Germany
2. Düsseldorf Germany
3. Oerel Germany
4. Pawnee City Nebraska USA
Four websites I visit daily
1. Facebook
2. Google
3. My email
4. CUW
Four folks now tagged by meme
Daniel pretty much covered those, well instead of Chris and myself it would have been him and who knows who else...
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