Band Tour -- Portland and Seattle
Oh! Before I forget to mention. My blog has had 12 squared visitors! Ha ha, now who's the true dork! ME!
This year band tour was the third week of Winterim (aka the third week of January) like every other year. Last year we went to Hawaii and check this out, the Pacific Northeast beats Hawaii any day in my book! So we went to Portland first and then drove out to Seattle and it was amazing!
Basically I decided (just as I decided about any where in Italy, Weimar Germany, Munich Germany, oh and Düsseldorf Germany) that I am moving to Oregon. There are several reasons to move there and not Washington. There are no taxes and Bill Gates and Paul Allen do not own the place. Ok, so there are two big ones. Most people when they think of the Pacific Northwest (hey fellow band members I got the right direction this time!) they think ewy gross rain all day long and how horrible that is. Well, I loved it! Every single drop of it! The temperature was great and I am told the summers aren't too warm either. Basically all that means is that it has a great climate. Cool and rainy.
Those of you who don't know this, heat is evil.
Well here are some pictures of our tour. So good!

These falls are so beautiful! There are some really neat hiking paths there too.

Ahh, beautiful Oregon scenery, I am definitely in love.

Another photo by the falls.

Some of us stayed on a college campus and the dorms are little apartments! Me want a kitchen and no more cafeteria.

Knitting! I learned how to from Lynn, the one on the right.

They guys in the airport on our way home. Who'd have thought?

Inside Airforce 1

A $1,000 elevator, or uh, I mean bathroom! You have to pay to use it and it opens automatically after 10 minutes. Let's hope you don't need that long! Oh, it is at the market in Seattle.

Yes, this is Airforce 1.
Basically band tour was a bunch of fun.
This year band tour was the third week of Winterim (aka the third week of January) like every other year. Last year we went to Hawaii and check this out, the Pacific Northeast beats Hawaii any day in my book! So we went to Portland first and then drove out to Seattle and it was amazing!
Basically I decided (just as I decided about any where in Italy, Weimar Germany, Munich Germany, oh and Düsseldorf Germany) that I am moving to Oregon. There are several reasons to move there and not Washington. There are no taxes and Bill Gates and Paul Allen do not own the place. Ok, so there are two big ones. Most people when they think of the Pacific Northwest (hey fellow band members I got the right direction this time!) they think ewy gross rain all day long and how horrible that is. Well, I loved it! Every single drop of it! The temperature was great and I am told the summers aren't too warm either. Basically all that means is that it has a great climate. Cool and rainy.
Those of you who don't know this, heat is evil.
Well here are some pictures of our tour. So good!

These falls are so beautiful! There are some really neat hiking paths there too.

Ahh, beautiful Oregon scenery, I am definitely in love.

Another photo by the falls.

Some of us stayed on a college campus and the dorms are little apartments! Me want a kitchen and no more cafeteria.

Knitting! I learned how to from Lynn, the one on the right.

They guys in the airport on our way home. Who'd have thought?

Inside Airforce 1

A $1,000 elevator, or uh, I mean bathroom! You have to pay to use it and it opens automatically after 10 minutes. Let's hope you don't need that long! Oh, it is at the market in Seattle.

Yes, this is Airforce 1.
Basically band tour was a bunch of fun.
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