My Crazy Life

My life as I live it....

08 February 2006

Time to play catch up!

So, remember when I wrote not to expect a nice flow of posts? Yeah, well, that has proven to be true hasn't it?

Anyways, a lot of really great things have been going on, so I will try to give the basic run down of events.

So this is a picture of a dear lady's confirmation certificate from one of my Dad's parishes. My Dad was wondering what the translation of these were and wanted to make sure he had the correct Bible passages and hymn stanzas (the Bible passages are sometimes one or two numbers different in the German Bible).

Well, as a proper language geek would do, I was all over this task and went at it full out. Well, I pulled out my German Bible at one point to check the verse and I pulled out my English Bible to compare it or whatever, I probably did more than I needed to, and something truly amazing happened. The address list from my horse campers feel out of the cover of my German Bible!

See, I worked out at a camp this summer and one week all my girls gave me their addresses and then I lost them... Ooops. Well, now the lost is found and I am very happy about that! This was all right before I went on band tour in January. Talk about really cool!

Now I still need to write them all a letter, there weren't a lot of them, so it shouldn't take too long. Hey! It is something to do during science class...


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