My Crazy Life

My life as I live it....

13 February 2006

Wow, what a crazy week!

So, sometimes things in life seem to go crazy at times and well, things have been happening. I will just give the highlights of my week last week. Here we go:

I got my trip to Germany booked! Now all I have to do is find some way to get cheap train tickets for two months... Any ideas for cheap travel within Germany? I would like to travel mostly on train when I am there. This is really great because now I get to see all my friends from Germany whom by that point I have seen in 3 or 4 years. I can say 4 because some of them I haven't seen since the beginning of my year there in '02-'03.

Also, going to Abiball seems to be a very formal event. I will probably end up mailing my prom dress before I go there. Which is pretty exciting because I have wanted to wear that dress again since I wore it for prom.

That last really exciting thing is that I got a package from a really great friend from Germany on Thursday. Iris, those gummi bears were simply great and I shared them with a few friends, one of which was really happy to have some green gummi bears. She ate one and had a look of joy on her face. She's such a goof. The calendar (Iris added pictures to a calendar) is hanging on my wall.

Anyways, those are some of the great things that have happened. I really should get back to reading a book for a book review that's due Friday.


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