Family, my Boyfriend and Back to Concordia
I really need to get better at this blogging stuff and write more regularly, especially as I have been busy since I wrote last month!!
After I got to see an entire side of my family at my house I spent a bit more time at home before shooting off to Nebraska to visit my cousin Rachel for some much needed cousin time. We got to spend several days together, talk a lot and do a bunch of things. Conversations went from how to do hair and make up to relationship to adapting to living with someone in an apartment, to our family and to recipes and cooking. We went to the Old market in town, yoga, took a walk, saw where she works, made Grandma dinner, attended a city league baseball game, and knitted together. I wonder how her scarf is doing anyways...
To sum up our time together, it was amazing and entirely too short. It was broken up a day early because she had to go to Colorado for a wedding that her boyfriend was in. So off I went to my Grandma's, who lives in the same town. That was good because I hadn't spent a lot of time with my Grandma (Dad's side) in the last years and so I was looking forward to spending time with her.
At her place we looked at a lot of family history information. It was neat to learn more about where my family came from and how they arrived in the USA. My Grandma had an old engagement ring from one of our ancestors which was really neat. There was an obituary in the pile of information that was about a page long fulll of positive things about this ancestor of mine. It is great to know that there have been people who have positively impacted others. Also just to think about how little information there is on some relatives leaves you wondering what their lives were like and how they lived. It was really neat to see that faith seemed to be a very important part of my ancestors lives.
Then came the day where I finally got to see Ben. I haven't mentioned him in this blog before, because I didn't really know what to say I guess. Many people already know that Ben is my boyfriend and we've been together for a little more than 6.5 months now, almost all of it with an ocean between us until we finally saw each other in Nebraska.
Which brought us on a crazy cool tour of going to a wedding and meeting lots of family and friends of his. I actually knew the bride and groom at the wedding and then also a 2nd cousin of the groom, which meant I knew a total of 4 people there before going, but it was still fun. Some of the highlights of our trip together weree flying in an experimental plane his uncle built, meeting his Mom and a set of Grandparents, learning how to play cribbage, seeing my other Grandma (Mom's side) and seeing my cousin Sarah, whom I hadn't seen in about 8 years.

In the experimental plane before take off.
The bottom line is, it was a very enjoyable time together and I am thankful for it. We actually even saw each other in time to see each other on our 6th month anniversary. We ended our time together at my parents house, he left the day after arriving there and I left my parents house a day after that.
He went to where he would be installed as a DCE one week later and I went to where I would be starting classes a week later. Those places are only 4 hours apart, which is just fine with me, because it is a lot less than having an ocean between us!
I spent the next week applying for jobs, getting things in order at school, organizing my apartment some and actually seeing some friends that I hadn't seen in over a year. The week went by quicker than I had imagined. Band start during that week, so it was fun to help the freshman get a bit oriented and to see old band friends. Being in choir I was able to sing in the opening service on the Saturday a week after arriving, which I left after and drove 4 hours so I could be at Ben's installation service that Sunday.
That was a great opportunity to visit with his Mom some more (who also drove out for the service), get to know one of his friends better and spend some time with him. His Aunt and Uncle we had visited right after the wedding actually came out to surprise him, which was great.
I got to get to know a few people from the congregation a bit and just get to know the city a little where Ben now lives. I was very happy for the opportunity.
After the weekend I made it back just in time for choir practice Monday evening and thus classes started. I am one of those seniors that has little left to finish in order to graduate. So I am sitting at 13 credits and lots of free time (night classes are great). Kate had arrived just before I went to the opening service, so by the time I returned home she had the furniture organized very nicely. The apartment really feels like home now.
Last week was filled with starting classes, finding books for classes and seeing people. I convinced my older brother Daniel to drive out for Labor Day weekend, which he left his place at 4am because he couldn't sleep any longer at 1am, silly boy! The night before he came I was able to catch up with my good friends Matt and Dan.
With Daniel we went to an art museum and learned a new game called Puerto Rico. It takes a long time to explain the rules, but I think I can now say it was worth it. We all attended my Aunt and Uncle's Church and they seemed happy to have the company.
On Sunday Ben arrived in the evening. I have been very spoiled to be able to see him so much after not ever being able to see him before. He got to meet a number of my friends, I should test him on names... :-) and we checked out the new beach Concordia has, which is pretty great. All in all it was a full weekend hanging out with friends and seeing family. Then the second week of classes start last Tuesday as we had Monday off for Labor Day.
Things have been going great and I continue to hang out with friends I have missed. It has been good starting up some new activities and getting into some old ones. I am excited to see what this semester has to offer in so many different ways.

Ben and myself
After I got to see an entire side of my family at my house I spent a bit more time at home before shooting off to Nebraska to visit my cousin Rachel for some much needed cousin time. We got to spend several days together, talk a lot and do a bunch of things. Conversations went from how to do hair and make up to relationship to adapting to living with someone in an apartment, to our family and to recipes and cooking. We went to the Old market in town, yoga, took a walk, saw where she works, made Grandma dinner, attended a city league baseball game, and knitted together. I wonder how her scarf is doing anyways...
To sum up our time together, it was amazing and entirely too short. It was broken up a day early because she had to go to Colorado for a wedding that her boyfriend was in. So off I went to my Grandma's, who lives in the same town. That was good because I hadn't spent a lot of time with my Grandma (Dad's side) in the last years and so I was looking forward to spending time with her.
At her place we looked at a lot of family history information. It was neat to learn more about where my family came from and how they arrived in the USA. My Grandma had an old engagement ring from one of our ancestors which was really neat. There was an obituary in the pile of information that was about a page long fulll of positive things about this ancestor of mine. It is great to know that there have been people who have positively impacted others. Also just to think about how little information there is on some relatives leaves you wondering what their lives were like and how they lived. It was really neat to see that faith seemed to be a very important part of my ancestors lives.
Then came the day where I finally got to see Ben. I haven't mentioned him in this blog before, because I didn't really know what to say I guess. Many people already know that Ben is my boyfriend and we've been together for a little more than 6.5 months now, almost all of it with an ocean between us until we finally saw each other in Nebraska.
Which brought us on a crazy cool tour of going to a wedding and meeting lots of family and friends of his. I actually knew the bride and groom at the wedding and then also a 2nd cousin of the groom, which meant I knew a total of 4 people there before going, but it was still fun. Some of the highlights of our trip together weree flying in an experimental plane his uncle built, meeting his Mom and a set of Grandparents, learning how to play cribbage, seeing my other Grandma (Mom's side) and seeing my cousin Sarah, whom I hadn't seen in about 8 years.
In the experimental plane before take off.
The bottom line is, it was a very enjoyable time together and I am thankful for it. We actually even saw each other in time to see each other on our 6th month anniversary. We ended our time together at my parents house, he left the day after arriving there and I left my parents house a day after that.
He went to where he would be installed as a DCE one week later and I went to where I would be starting classes a week later. Those places are only 4 hours apart, which is just fine with me, because it is a lot less than having an ocean between us!
I spent the next week applying for jobs, getting things in order at school, organizing my apartment some and actually seeing some friends that I hadn't seen in over a year. The week went by quicker than I had imagined. Band start during that week, so it was fun to help the freshman get a bit oriented and to see old band friends. Being in choir I was able to sing in the opening service on the Saturday a week after arriving, which I left after and drove 4 hours so I could be at Ben's installation service that Sunday.
That was a great opportunity to visit with his Mom some more (who also drove out for the service), get to know one of his friends better and spend some time with him. His Aunt and Uncle we had visited right after the wedding actually came out to surprise him, which was great.
I got to get to know a few people from the congregation a bit and just get to know the city a little where Ben now lives. I was very happy for the opportunity.
After the weekend I made it back just in time for choir practice Monday evening and thus classes started. I am one of those seniors that has little left to finish in order to graduate. So I am sitting at 13 credits and lots of free time (night classes are great). Kate had arrived just before I went to the opening service, so by the time I returned home she had the furniture organized very nicely. The apartment really feels like home now.
Last week was filled with starting classes, finding books for classes and seeing people. I convinced my older brother Daniel to drive out for Labor Day weekend, which he left his place at 4am because he couldn't sleep any longer at 1am, silly boy! The night before he came I was able to catch up with my good friends Matt and Dan.
With Daniel we went to an art museum and learned a new game called Puerto Rico. It takes a long time to explain the rules, but I think I can now say it was worth it. We all attended my Aunt and Uncle's Church and they seemed happy to have the company.
On Sunday Ben arrived in the evening. I have been very spoiled to be able to see him so much after not ever being able to see him before. He got to meet a number of my friends, I should test him on names... :-) and we checked out the new beach Concordia has, which is pretty great. All in all it was a full weekend hanging out with friends and seeing family. Then the second week of classes start last Tuesday as we had Monday off for Labor Day.
Things have been going great and I continue to hang out with friends I have missed. It has been good starting up some new activities and getting into some old ones. I am excited to see what this semester has to offer in so many different ways.
Ben and myself
At 13 September, 2007 15:21 ,
Anonymous said...
Hey I made it into the Blog... interesting?!
At 16 September, 2007 21:13 ,
Unknown said...
Now, if you are going to test Ben on your friend's names, he could test you on the names of all those relatives he has.
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