My Crazy Life

My life as I live it....

22 May 2006

Almost out of the Country

So today is my last day in the US until the middle of July. It ended up working out that a friend and I shall see each other later today, unless our plans fall through. Originally we planned on seeing each other this morning. That would be great to get together as we haven't seen much of each other since high school, I keep best contact with her out of everyone from my high school. She's getting married in August and I will be able to attend the wedding as well.

Today we are driving up to the cities so we don't have to wake up so early to drop me off tomorrow. I am excited to get going, I don't really have a strong schedule for the summer though. More of just a rough plan that could change. The comforting thing is that I do have people to go to to stay with and I am confidant not to be left high and dry with a place to stay. I just don't have the itenerary completely thought out, but it is almost there, mainly a few things could be switched around at the beginning and at the end. Then in the middle there could be a few days where I may not leave for the next place on the previously thought day, rather the next day, or something like that, nothing big though.

I have a few things left to pack and other than that I am completely ready to head out of here. You know, like this computer that I am using right now... Well, I better finish getting ready, my parents and I are going to a birthday coffee this morning, it should be good.


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