My Crazy Life

My life as I live it....

10 April 2006

Catching Up on Things

I realized I haven't written in a long while. Basically I have become busy with school work and activities and when I got my photos loaded onto facebook, that was good enough for me for the time being. Over spring break I went on choir tour and here are a few photos, I will talk about them a bit and thus tell you a bit about tour.

This is at the Getty, a museum in Los Angeles. This was a gorgeous shot. There is art in the buildings there and some gardens and interesting architecture.

Our bus broke down on the way to the Grand Canyon, so we stopped off at a rest stop in Arizona and there was snow. Kind of reminded us of Wisconsin...

Ahh the beautiful desert scenery.

This is now the Grand Canyon, we had to leave at 6am to see it, otherwards it would not have worked with the bus having broken down the day before. It was gorgeous, try to make it out there sometime if you haven't. I'd love to camp out there and take the trail ride.

This is our heater at the HoJo in Los Angeles. It was kind of scary. I will leave you with broken down hotel, drugs and we locked ourselves into our room at night.

Santa Barbara Beach in California. Ben tried to throw me into the ocean.

The great Hoover Dam. Our choir director turns out to be a big dam enthusiast.

This was at an A&W in either Arizona or Nevada. Why does everyone seem to make fun of Wisconsinites? We like our cheese, back off! :-)

This was at the strip in Las Vegas. Basically I don't care too much for Vegas, but it was cool to visit!

Ben seems to like trouble, so he put his head into a canon. I don't think it would make good ammunition...

So this is basically choir tour to the Pacific South West. We sang at a school in Las Vegas that was fun. The high school choir sang one sang with us and it went really well. They were fun to sing with. Now to post another post about cooking out!


  • At 12 April, 2006 00:27 , Blogger Unknown said...

    You really enjoyed the week! Now, it always a good idea to lock your doors in hotels! I know, you explained it all to me earlier.


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