My Crazy Life

My life as I live it....

01 June 2006

So, this will really be a short post, but just an update as to my whereabouts and such. Anyways, So Isabel's brother did come, and I have a photo of that, but I haven't downloaded it off my camera yet... He came and we went shopping for shoes mainly. We returned the two dresses that Isabel had bought and did not want after all and asked about returning a pair of jeans (that she was actually wearing). In the end Isabel had two pairs of shoes, Alex one and I bought nothing. I had bought so much already, I really couldn't justify buying anything more...

We were in the shopping area until about 8, when all the stores close, and then we met up with Kordula. If I did not say who Kordula is, she is the sweetest person ever and Isabel and I are staying with her currently. We met up with her and ate in a resturaunt and it tasted great! After eating Alex tried to catch a train back to Augsburg, but the U-Bahn had just left, so there was no way he would have gotten there on time. So he went back up to the apartment with us. I must say, walking on the streets and so, Alex really likes shoes, a lot more than I do I think... :-)

Yesterday was very relaxing. Isabel woke me up on her way to work and I slowly got ready and went down to Hauptbahnhof. There I got myself a Bahncard, so that I can travel a little more cheaply, and a ticket to Ingolstadt. There I visited my host family from my orientation and language course of 4 years ago. I cannot believe it has really been that long, it really feels like yesterday. It was really good to see them again. Sure enough Das ist ein Baum. Das ist ein großer Baum. was said. Those are the sentence Michael (the host dad) and I always say now. It comes from when he was practicing German with me 4 years ago. It is truly amazing that 4 years ago when I was there I really had no idea what was going on around me with the language and all. Now I can follow just fine.

So I spent the afternoon over there and part of the early evening before I caught a train back to Munich to catch up with Isabel and Cordula again. We then went to an Indish resturaunt and Isabel learned some Indian. Mainly counting. Next time she goes she will be able to count real well.

Today has also been very relaxing, I went down to Hauptbahnhof again and got some train tickets for Isabel and myself and then ate lunch with Isabel. I also called a few people to make a few of my future arrangements. That is really all I have done. Today Isabel leaves and I will stay here a few more nights. Tomorrow I need to get together with Mirja, assuming that that will still work.

I talked to my choir director from the Church choir in nothern Germany, they are unfortunately not having practice next Sunday, but I will still see them very soon indeed. It's so exciting to know after not have seen any of these people in 3-4 years that I will see them again, really soon too! What a Blessing!

Well, that is about all I have to tell about for now. Keep looking for more posts and more photos. Feel free to shoot me an email or a message and I will reply to you as I have time.


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