Farewell my dearest Deutschland!
On July 23rd I left Germany to return to the USA. My last bit of time in Germany was very stressful, but good.
I went on one more trip before the stress really started though. My last trip during my time in Germany was to Freiburg and Strasbourg. In Freiburg I met up with a friend I met in Tübingen because he was visiting a friend of mine there for her birthday. I also visitied a friend I met in Spain, he's from Freiburg, so it was neat to visit him at his home. Freiburg is not very large, but has some neat things there to see, like the cathedral and the castle mountain where you can get a very nice view of the city.
From Freiburg I headed over the Strasbourg for a day and saw a friend from my university. Strasbourg, unlike how the name sounds, is a French city and where the European Union has its headquarters. Strasbourg is full of things to see and is very beautiful. My friend I saw was in the middle of a two week course in apologetics. It was just really good to catch up with a friend from home.
When I returned to Tübingen the stress started. I had to finish a paper and take two exams and I left myself too little time to study and write the paper. It was ok though because I managed to finish the paper and I know I did fine on one exam. The other exam I haven't heard the results yet and on the paper I don't know yet either.
When that was all finished I had choir concerts and packing to do with a small going away party squeezed in. It was really neat that Mirja, an exchange of mine from Germany came over for my going away party. It was good to see her and catch up with her. Several friends I had made during my time in Tübingen came out for it and a few couldn't make it unfortunately.
Then I had two choir concerts, one was in Stuttgart and the other in Tübingen. They both went really well and so I was pleased to have a nice finish to my time in Germany with those concerts. It was good to see the choir people once more before leaving.
On the 23rd I got to wake up early and head to the train station. That was a funny trip because another person from the US on his way home was on the same bus to the train station as me, then in the train to Stuttgart I saw my choir director. Basically the entire semester I had not met up with the one in the bus before and on our last day we do, I had also never seen my choir director in the train before, so that was really neat.
I am already looking forward to the next opportunity to see friends in Germany again.
Below is a photo of my bike that I had to leave behind in Germany, oh how I shall miss that bike. It's old and looks basically worthless, but it works well!

Now I have been home about a week and a half and I have been enjoying time with family. It was very good to see some cousins and my aunt and uncle last weekend. My Grandma was there too, so it was one entire side of my family in one place for less than 24 hours, we have to take our family reunions as we can get them, no matter how fast the time goes by!
I went on one more trip before the stress really started though. My last trip during my time in Germany was to Freiburg and Strasbourg. In Freiburg I met up with a friend I met in Tübingen because he was visiting a friend of mine there for her birthday. I also visitied a friend I met in Spain, he's from Freiburg, so it was neat to visit him at his home. Freiburg is not very large, but has some neat things there to see, like the cathedral and the castle mountain where you can get a very nice view of the city.
From Freiburg I headed over the Strasbourg for a day and saw a friend from my university. Strasbourg, unlike how the name sounds, is a French city and where the European Union has its headquarters. Strasbourg is full of things to see and is very beautiful. My friend I saw was in the middle of a two week course in apologetics. It was just really good to catch up with a friend from home.
When I returned to Tübingen the stress started. I had to finish a paper and take two exams and I left myself too little time to study and write the paper. It was ok though because I managed to finish the paper and I know I did fine on one exam. The other exam I haven't heard the results yet and on the paper I don't know yet either.
When that was all finished I had choir concerts and packing to do with a small going away party squeezed in. It was really neat that Mirja, an exchange of mine from Germany came over for my going away party. It was good to see her and catch up with her. Several friends I had made during my time in Tübingen came out for it and a few couldn't make it unfortunately.
Then I had two choir concerts, one was in Stuttgart and the other in Tübingen. They both went really well and so I was pleased to have a nice finish to my time in Germany with those concerts. It was good to see the choir people once more before leaving.
On the 23rd I got to wake up early and head to the train station. That was a funny trip because another person from the US on his way home was on the same bus to the train station as me, then in the train to Stuttgart I saw my choir director. Basically the entire semester I had not met up with the one in the bus before and on our last day we do, I had also never seen my choir director in the train before, so that was really neat.
I am already looking forward to the next opportunity to see friends in Germany again.
Below is a photo of my bike that I had to leave behind in Germany, oh how I shall miss that bike. It's old and looks basically worthless, but it works well!
Now I have been home about a week and a half and I have been enjoying time with family. It was very good to see some cousins and my aunt and uncle last weekend. My Grandma was there too, so it was one entire side of my family in one place for less than 24 hours, we have to take our family reunions as we can get them, no matter how fast the time goes by!