A few trips and soon finals
I am really happy right now that I am going to be spending some more time in Tübingen and not be traveling across the countryside all the time! This semester I have been fortunate to travel so much, but a bit of a rest from that is welcome.
After I posted last I spent 5 days with Lisa and her family in Kiel again. It was Kieler Woche (the sailboating week in northern Germany on the Baltic Sea). I wasn't there for all of it like last year. This year I also was familiar with many of Lisa's friends from the start, so it was neat to see them again and to find out what they have been doing since they graduated. Another plus this year was that I have a few friends from my exchange year that are studying in Kiel now, so I was able to see them!
I arrived on a Wednesday and Lisa and I took it easy that day. On Thursday we went to a nearby town so Lisa could drop off her art portfolio as part of an application to a university, I was also able to buy some movies, one of which is called "Das Leben der Anderen" or "The Lives of Others" in English. It won an Oscar for the best foreign language film. It is about Eastern Germany's secret police trying to find out everyone's secrets and more specifically about a playwrite's secrets. Lisa and I watched it that afternoon after returning, a very good movie! Thursday we slept in and then went to the Kieler Woche Party that evening. The good thing about this year is that Lisa didn't graduate and so she had more time to sleep!
On Friday a friend of hers that she met in Spain came over and we got all dressed up and went to Kieler Woche in our dresses then to Abiball from Lisa's school. She didn't know a lot of people there, but we had fun together! On Saturday we got to scrub a pool. Lisa's Grandma keeps fish in a pool and we were priviledged to scrub it. It was good upper body workout and the following day we were both sore! Then we also grilled afterwards, we had soo much food and it was all very delicious!
That Sunday we wanted to go to the beach, but the weather didn't cooporate. So we had coffee with friends at Lisa's house instead. That evening we went to the Kieler Woche again and there were fireworks. My fireworks for the summer as I was here for 4th of July!
Then I was home for a few days before leaving again for northern Germany, this time to visit friends from my exchange year from my school. I left on a Thursday with the train and met up with Sandra in Vechta first. Vechta is the university I was supposed to go to for the semester, but I liked Tübingen more. It was neat to see Sandra again, she had visited my university for several weeks, and so it was neat to meet up with her in Germany.

Sandra and myself
On that Friday I went to where I went to school at. I stayed at Wiebke's house and so it was neat to catch up with her. During my time there we didn't do a lot together but we are slowing doing more and more, so that is neat to see how that has developed! On Saturday we didn't do much during the day but that evening we went to Abiball from the gymnasium we both attended. We both knew quite a number of the graduates because they were in the 10th grade with us, but had gone abroad for a year or had to repeat a class.

Wiebke and myself at Abiball
One surprise at Abiball was Alex. He was an exchange student at the same school as me during the same year as me and neither of us expected to see another one of us exchange students at the Abiball. So it was really neat to see him! He had promised his host sister (who spent a year at his house in Guatamala and went to his graduation) that he would come to her graduation. What a surprise!

Gymnasium BRV Exchange Students 2002-2003
On Sunday I ate lunch with my host sister Henrike, the rest of her family was unfortunately out of town though. That evening I went to choir with the Tarmstedt Youth Choir, it was neat to see Wolf, the director, and the others from choir again! Everytime I know more people, it is really neat!

I stayed at a choir member's house that night, her name is Birgit. She is really nice and told me some things about Chile, as she had spent a year there. Her Mom is also very sweet and speaks wonderful English!
Now I am back in Tübingen and I have to do a report and I have two oral exams coming up, so that should be interesting. Now it is study time. Choir concerts are coming up too and then I go home! The time has really flown!
This weekend we have a lot of choir practices here in town, then the next two weekends I get to sing with the choir, so it should be good! I am excited to see how the semester ends. I am counting down the days until I am home, yet I am going to be sad to leave Germany, again. :-)
After I posted last I spent 5 days with Lisa and her family in Kiel again. It was Kieler Woche (the sailboating week in northern Germany on the Baltic Sea). I wasn't there for all of it like last year. This year I also was familiar with many of Lisa's friends from the start, so it was neat to see them again and to find out what they have been doing since they graduated. Another plus this year was that I have a few friends from my exchange year that are studying in Kiel now, so I was able to see them!
I arrived on a Wednesday and Lisa and I took it easy that day. On Thursday we went to a nearby town so Lisa could drop off her art portfolio as part of an application to a university, I was also able to buy some movies, one of which is called "Das Leben der Anderen" or "The Lives of Others" in English. It won an Oscar for the best foreign language film. It is about Eastern Germany's secret police trying to find out everyone's secrets and more specifically about a playwrite's secrets. Lisa and I watched it that afternoon after returning, a very good movie! Thursday we slept in and then went to the Kieler Woche Party that evening. The good thing about this year is that Lisa didn't graduate and so she had more time to sleep!
On Friday a friend of hers that she met in Spain came over and we got all dressed up and went to Kieler Woche in our dresses then to Abiball from Lisa's school. She didn't know a lot of people there, but we had fun together! On Saturday we got to scrub a pool. Lisa's Grandma keeps fish in a pool and we were priviledged to scrub it. It was good upper body workout and the following day we were both sore! Then we also grilled afterwards, we had soo much food and it was all very delicious!
That Sunday we wanted to go to the beach, but the weather didn't cooporate. So we had coffee with friends at Lisa's house instead. That evening we went to the Kieler Woche again and there were fireworks. My fireworks for the summer as I was here for 4th of July!
Then I was home for a few days before leaving again for northern Germany, this time to visit friends from my exchange year from my school. I left on a Thursday with the train and met up with Sandra in Vechta first. Vechta is the university I was supposed to go to for the semester, but I liked Tübingen more. It was neat to see Sandra again, she had visited my university for several weeks, and so it was neat to meet up with her in Germany.
Sandra and myself
On that Friday I went to where I went to school at. I stayed at Wiebke's house and so it was neat to catch up with her. During my time there we didn't do a lot together but we are slowing doing more and more, so that is neat to see how that has developed! On Saturday we didn't do much during the day but that evening we went to Abiball from the gymnasium we both attended. We both knew quite a number of the graduates because they were in the 10th grade with us, but had gone abroad for a year or had to repeat a class.
Wiebke and myself at Abiball
One surprise at Abiball was Alex. He was an exchange student at the same school as me during the same year as me and neither of us expected to see another one of us exchange students at the Abiball. So it was really neat to see him! He had promised his host sister (who spent a year at his house in Guatamala and went to his graduation) that he would come to her graduation. What a surprise!
Gymnasium BRV Exchange Students 2002-2003
On Sunday I ate lunch with my host sister Henrike, the rest of her family was unfortunately out of town though. That evening I went to choir with the Tarmstedt Youth Choir, it was neat to see Wolf, the director, and the others from choir again! Everytime I know more people, it is really neat!
I stayed at a choir member's house that night, her name is Birgit. She is really nice and told me some things about Chile, as she had spent a year there. Her Mom is also very sweet and speaks wonderful English!
Now I am back in Tübingen and I have to do a report and I have two oral exams coming up, so that should be interesting. Now it is study time. Choir concerts are coming up too and then I go home! The time has really flown!
This weekend we have a lot of choir practices here in town, then the next two weekends I get to sing with the choir, so it should be good! I am excited to see how the semester ends. I am counting down the days until I am home, yet I am going to be sad to leave Germany, again. :-)