My absence from blogger answered with a post!
Well, I have been off of here for a while. I have been busy doing things though. In April I continued to go to my classes (and I continue to go now as well) and got used to my differenct classes. I am taking two typed of classes. Luther's Ethic and Christianity and Islam are seminars. Basically that means there is more professor/student interaction, discussion and homework. Then Exile Literature and Genesis are two lecture classes, so the professor stands up front and basically presents his thesis. I am enjoying all of my classes and I am learning alot in all of them. I get to start writing a 15 page paper for my Christianity and Islam class soon, so that should be interesting!
At the end of April/beginning of May Carrie came to visit me. That was a nice visit, we went hiking to Bebenhausen (1.5 hours walk, not a real hike). The trail was pretty and we got to see a modern (as in beginning of the 20th century castle) with the most antlers I have ever seen! The King was a avid hunter. It was interesting to see the mix of old and new in the castle. There was also a monestery which was neat to see.
In May I returned to Sevilla to visit some of the friends I made last semester. I got to stay at the residencia that I was in last semester, which was great to see those that still live there. It was also really neat to actually see Sevilla! When I was there the whole city was under construction to make a metro (tram). They had to have that all cleared away by Semana Santa (Holy Week, they have a huge celebration in Sevilla) so they could have all the parades and processionals. The metro, however, still doesn't run, or at least it didn't a month ago when I was there!

Carmen and myself, she's a choir friend.
Also while I was in Spain I went to choir practice to see choir friends. When I was at practice, the choir director was looking for people to sing the next day. Apparently someone with a scholarship wasn't going to be coming, so he wanted to use the money somehow and offered us 30 euros to sing. So I went! It was fun to see choir people and then eat lunch with them all afterwards.

Sevilla, when you actually get to see the city!
Then I layed low a bit after Spain! I went to classes (I plan my trips around my class schedule) and did some homework, and just took it easy. The only thing I did was a day trip to München to visit my friend Isabel and pick up some of my stuff that I had mailed to her. We were able to spend a very good day together and just catch up on life. I hadn't seen her since I had visited her up north in March. I always love seeing her!

Isabel and myself in the English Gardens in Munich
I went to Düsseldorf to visit friends before my Italy trip. It was neat to see how much the twins have grown! My coordinator, Sylvia, from my exchange year is married and has twins she is rasing bilingual. They are really cute, only 2 years old! I also got to see my good friend Iris. Everytime I get to see my Düsseldorf friends it makes me very happy. They are becoming like a family to me.
Over our Pentecost break Carrie and I went to Italy. Which was pretty much amazing! We were in Rome for three days, then we stopped by Pompeii for a day and onto to Reggio di Calabria for the rest of the time. Although 3 days isn't nearly enough to enjoy everything Rome has to offer, Carrie and I left satisfied with what we saw. We saw the Colosseum, the Vatican, the Pantheon, Foro Romano, Fontana di Trevi and much much more. It even rained on us, but we didn't care!

Carrie and I in front of Fontana di Trevi
Pompeii was also really interesting to see, because it seems like a preserved ghost town. It is incredible and sad to think this city was wiped out so quickly. We ate in the modern day Pompeii and the waiters were big teases. It was funny though because we decided that the tourists must always go to Pompeii and then return to Naples for dinner, because it seemed as if us being there as foreigners was unusual in that resturaunt, that wasn't far from the train station!
Reggio Calabria was my absolute favorite. We visited my friend Francesco e Teresa that I met on my trip to Italy last semester. We also met their families! I love Italians, they were soo hospitable and were just as nice as I thought they would be. Francesco e Teresa are also simply wonderful to take us in and show us around like that. We went all over Reggio and got to see the old Greek metal statues that were pulled from underwater. Info on the statues: We also went to a birthday party in Sicily with way more food than we could eat. It all tasted great though! We also ate homecooked Italian food with Teresa's parents. On our last night we met some of the english teachers at the school Teresa takes English at. We were there over Trinity Sunday and so we went to catholic mass with them. It was all wonderful, there are no words to express how good of a time it was.

Francesco e Teresa and I in Scila

A sunset in Reggio di Calabria
After I returned from Italy I hung around Tübingen for a while again. There was a Stocherkahn race on the Neckar in Tübingen, and it is really funny. The Stocherkahn that comes in last had to drink a half liter of cod liver acid per person (ewww...). It takes place every year. English info:

A photo I took at the races, those boats are called "Stocherkahns"

Some Stocherkahns on the river side.
Last Wednesday I hiked to Wurmlinger Kapelle alone. I had a book to read to start working on my paper for Christianity and Islam and so I hike to the chapel thinking it would be quiet there and I would be able to get a lot read. I was right! It was also a wonderful hour and a half out there! I am really happy I went and got to enjoy all those wonderful things God has created here!
Choir has also been going well. It is a shame for the Church choir, because I am often gone on weekends, but hopefully I can still sing with them we we sing in Church! The catholic choir I am part of is also going well. We just had choir camp. It was Friday evening through this afternoon. We practised a lot of our music and I think we got a lot of good work in on it. Very helpful! Also it was a good chance to meet some of the other chories.
This semester has been really good so far and I am excited to discover the rest of the treasures it will give me before I go home. Treasures like spending time with old friends and making new friends, being able to take hikes and enjoy the food. All of these blessings from God.
At the end of April/beginning of May Carrie came to visit me. That was a nice visit, we went hiking to Bebenhausen (1.5 hours walk, not a real hike). The trail was pretty and we got to see a modern (as in beginning of the 20th century castle) with the most antlers I have ever seen! The King was a avid hunter. It was interesting to see the mix of old and new in the castle. There was also a monestery which was neat to see.
In May I returned to Sevilla to visit some of the friends I made last semester. I got to stay at the residencia that I was in last semester, which was great to see those that still live there. It was also really neat to actually see Sevilla! When I was there the whole city was under construction to make a metro (tram). They had to have that all cleared away by Semana Santa (Holy Week, they have a huge celebration in Sevilla) so they could have all the parades and processionals. The metro, however, still doesn't run, or at least it didn't a month ago when I was there!
Carmen and myself, she's a choir friend.
Also while I was in Spain I went to choir practice to see choir friends. When I was at practice, the choir director was looking for people to sing the next day. Apparently someone with a scholarship wasn't going to be coming, so he wanted to use the money somehow and offered us 30 euros to sing. So I went! It was fun to see choir people and then eat lunch with them all afterwards.
Sevilla, when you actually get to see the city!
Then I layed low a bit after Spain! I went to classes (I plan my trips around my class schedule) and did some homework, and just took it easy. The only thing I did was a day trip to München to visit my friend Isabel and pick up some of my stuff that I had mailed to her. We were able to spend a very good day together and just catch up on life. I hadn't seen her since I had visited her up north in March. I always love seeing her!
Isabel and myself in the English Gardens in Munich
I went to Düsseldorf to visit friends before my Italy trip. It was neat to see how much the twins have grown! My coordinator, Sylvia, from my exchange year is married and has twins she is rasing bilingual. They are really cute, only 2 years old! I also got to see my good friend Iris. Everytime I get to see my Düsseldorf friends it makes me very happy. They are becoming like a family to me.
Over our Pentecost break Carrie and I went to Italy. Which was pretty much amazing! We were in Rome for three days, then we stopped by Pompeii for a day and onto to Reggio di Calabria for the rest of the time. Although 3 days isn't nearly enough to enjoy everything Rome has to offer, Carrie and I left satisfied with what we saw. We saw the Colosseum, the Vatican, the Pantheon, Foro Romano, Fontana di Trevi and much much more. It even rained on us, but we didn't care!
Carrie and I in front of Fontana di Trevi
Pompeii was also really interesting to see, because it seems like a preserved ghost town. It is incredible and sad to think this city was wiped out so quickly. We ate in the modern day Pompeii and the waiters were big teases. It was funny though because we decided that the tourists must always go to Pompeii and then return to Naples for dinner, because it seemed as if us being there as foreigners was unusual in that resturaunt, that wasn't far from the train station!
Reggio Calabria was my absolute favorite. We visited my friend Francesco e Teresa that I met on my trip to Italy last semester. We also met their families! I love Italians, they were soo hospitable and were just as nice as I thought they would be. Francesco e Teresa are also simply wonderful to take us in and show us around like that. We went all over Reggio and got to see the old Greek metal statues that were pulled from underwater. Info on the statues: We also went to a birthday party in Sicily with way more food than we could eat. It all tasted great though! We also ate homecooked Italian food with Teresa's parents. On our last night we met some of the english teachers at the school Teresa takes English at. We were there over Trinity Sunday and so we went to catholic mass with them. It was all wonderful, there are no words to express how good of a time it was.
Francesco e Teresa and I in Scila
A sunset in Reggio di Calabria
After I returned from Italy I hung around Tübingen for a while again. There was a Stocherkahn race on the Neckar in Tübingen, and it is really funny. The Stocherkahn that comes in last had to drink a half liter of cod liver acid per person (ewww...). It takes place every year. English info:
A photo I took at the races, those boats are called "Stocherkahns"
Some Stocherkahns on the river side.
Last Wednesday I hiked to Wurmlinger Kapelle alone. I had a book to read to start working on my paper for Christianity and Islam and so I hike to the chapel thinking it would be quiet there and I would be able to get a lot read. I was right! It was also a wonderful hour and a half out there! I am really happy I went and got to enjoy all those wonderful things God has created here!
Choir has also been going well. It is a shame for the Church choir, because I am often gone on weekends, but hopefully I can still sing with them we we sing in Church! The catholic choir I am part of is also going well. We just had choir camp. It was Friday evening through this afternoon. We practised a lot of our music and I think we got a lot of good work in on it. Very helpful! Also it was a good chance to meet some of the other chories.
This semester has been really good so far and I am excited to discover the rest of the treasures it will give me before I go home. Treasures like spending time with old friends and making new friends, being able to take hikes and enjoy the food. All of these blessings from God.