Almost a Month!!
So I was thinking about my blog and how I completely have not done anything with it in practically a month! Sorry about that! I have not fallen off of the face of the earth.
Ok, some things that happened in October. Well, I went to Cordoba, which is a town near Sevilla. I really liked Cordoba, except the people in my program that complained about the rain all the time. We did some interesting things while we were there such as visiting the Mosque there. Now this is a one of a kind Mosque. Built by the Muslims many years ago with columns everywhere in it. I hope to bring my computer in to the wireless next week to put photos online, stay tuned! Then when the christian kings conquered Spain they actually built a cathedral inside of the mosque! As you can imagine it makes for a strange mix of Islam and Christianity that was really neat to see. Then we also visited some Roman ruins where they use heating similar to that of the Roman Baths (anyone from Wilmeth's Latin class should be thinking about the toilets of Rome video right now). It was set in a very pretty location with a view out into a valley and hills. We also did an olive oil testing! Now, I don't like olives too much, but the olive oil testing was a lot of fun, I even bought some olive hand lotion, which is some of the best hand lotion I have ever had. This was an overnight trip and our program treated us to a feast! We were given about 4 or 5 appetizers (anything from cheese to fried egg plant), the main dish and a tray of assorted desserts. Everyone left the meal completely satisfied with the food, if not a little too stuffed.
That weekend was the weekend that I went to Church! The Church here is a mission church as I believe I mentioned before in my blog. People attend from all over the area and there are not that many people that attend either. They also only occasionally have actual Church services because there are only two pastors of the IELE in Spain. Before the service we had a nice Bible study about what is the Church and I got to get to know the people that came. After Church I went to have lunch with Juan Carlos, the pastor and their families at Juan Carlos' house. That was really nice.
Last weekend I went to Granada, which I absolutely loved Granada, except the part that I had a somach ache for the entirety of Friday and part of Saturday, which was basically when we were there. By saurday lunch I could eat a meal again, instead of picking at my food. We visited the Alalambra which is the big thing to do there. It is one of the most visited sites in all of Europe. It is more mountainous there where as it is much more flat in Sevilla, and I definitely like the mountain scenery a lot.
Saturday when we returned to Sevilla I went to have dinner at Nick's apartment. Nick is from Australia and he and his friend Rolf run a Bible Study on the campus of the University of Sevilla. So Nick invited us all over to have spicy food (from Asia, as he has spent time there teaching English). I was very happy that I could eat again as the food was very good and my Dad should be jealous of how hot it was!
Sunday we had our first real choir concert in conjunction with the municipal band of Sevilla. The entire concert was Mozart. We sang Requiem, Ave Verum and Vammo di Core. It was a lot of fun. I am thankful for choir, because I know a bunch of Spaniards now that I do things with from time to time. They are soo nice!
More people have moved into my resedencia. Now there are 5 Spaniards, 5 US Americans and 2 Italians. It is really funny with the Italians (they moved in last weekend) because one speaks a little english and the other a little spanish. There is a lot more going on in the resedencia now than before.
We also had midterms a little while ago, which some tests were definitely better than others. I am not too worried though.
So that is the rough overview as to what I have been doing. I am sure that I will have a lot more to talk about next week (after this weekend, another trip, my last big trip of the semester) and I hope to get photos up as well. So until next week!
Ok, some things that happened in October. Well, I went to Cordoba, which is a town near Sevilla. I really liked Cordoba, except the people in my program that complained about the rain all the time. We did some interesting things while we were there such as visiting the Mosque there. Now this is a one of a kind Mosque. Built by the Muslims many years ago with columns everywhere in it. I hope to bring my computer in to the wireless next week to put photos online, stay tuned! Then when the christian kings conquered Spain they actually built a cathedral inside of the mosque! As you can imagine it makes for a strange mix of Islam and Christianity that was really neat to see. Then we also visited some Roman ruins where they use heating similar to that of the Roman Baths (anyone from Wilmeth's Latin class should be thinking about the toilets of Rome video right now). It was set in a very pretty location with a view out into a valley and hills. We also did an olive oil testing! Now, I don't like olives too much, but the olive oil testing was a lot of fun, I even bought some olive hand lotion, which is some of the best hand lotion I have ever had. This was an overnight trip and our program treated us to a feast! We were given about 4 or 5 appetizers (anything from cheese to fried egg plant), the main dish and a tray of assorted desserts. Everyone left the meal completely satisfied with the food, if not a little too stuffed.
That weekend was the weekend that I went to Church! The Church here is a mission church as I believe I mentioned before in my blog. People attend from all over the area and there are not that many people that attend either. They also only occasionally have actual Church services because there are only two pastors of the IELE in Spain. Before the service we had a nice Bible study about what is the Church and I got to get to know the people that came. After Church I went to have lunch with Juan Carlos, the pastor and their families at Juan Carlos' house. That was really nice.
Last weekend I went to Granada, which I absolutely loved Granada, except the part that I had a somach ache for the entirety of Friday and part of Saturday, which was basically when we were there. By saurday lunch I could eat a meal again, instead of picking at my food. We visited the Alalambra which is the big thing to do there. It is one of the most visited sites in all of Europe. It is more mountainous there where as it is much more flat in Sevilla, and I definitely like the mountain scenery a lot.
Saturday when we returned to Sevilla I went to have dinner at Nick's apartment. Nick is from Australia and he and his friend Rolf run a Bible Study on the campus of the University of Sevilla. So Nick invited us all over to have spicy food (from Asia, as he has spent time there teaching English). I was very happy that I could eat again as the food was very good and my Dad should be jealous of how hot it was!
Sunday we had our first real choir concert in conjunction with the municipal band of Sevilla. The entire concert was Mozart. We sang Requiem, Ave Verum and Vammo di Core. It was a lot of fun. I am thankful for choir, because I know a bunch of Spaniards now that I do things with from time to time. They are soo nice!
More people have moved into my resedencia. Now there are 5 Spaniards, 5 US Americans and 2 Italians. It is really funny with the Italians (they moved in last weekend) because one speaks a little english and the other a little spanish. There is a lot more going on in the resedencia now than before.
We also had midterms a little while ago, which some tests were definitely better than others. I am not too worried though.
So that is the rough overview as to what I have been doing. I am sure that I will have a lot more to talk about next week (after this weekend, another trip, my last big trip of the semester) and I hope to get photos up as well. So until next week!
At 14 November, 2006 11:39 ,
Anonymous said...
Sounds like you had a wonderful time this weekend, in spite of not feeling well for the start of it.
I am sure that mosque/church/whatever was fascinating.
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