My Crazy Life

My life as I live it....

09 August 2006

Stuff I have been doing after Germany

So after I got back from Germany I had only a few days to recover and it was off to Chicago. Now you must understand that this was not a trip I wanted to make, but I had to make. For whatever reason the Spanish Embassy has very few Consulats and I had to go to the one in Chicago. So into the car with me to make the 8-9 hour trek out to Chicago. My meeting there went by very quickly and painlessly, so that was good. I just have to go and pick up my passport later, this way I can study abroad in Spain! Yippee.

One very good thing about the trip was that I could see my Great Aunt and one of Dad's cousins and his family. So that was a neat way to spend an afternoon. I also got to meet my Great Aunt's helper, she was really sweet. The trip back wasn't so great though, I think at that point I had been riding in vehicles way to much, but I am ready to go at it again. :-)

The Wednesday after returning home my family and I traveled to Omaha so we could see my cousin Anna and the rest of her family. The reason I highlight Anna is because she is the one that is a teacher missionary (see Anna under family links, her blog is there). She teaches English in Taiwan. It was really good to see that whole family and catch up with them. My cousin Rachel is going to start at a different college this fall, so it was interesting to find out how everything with that is going. Then my cousin Tim is going to start in college this fall, he just graduated high school.

Then a week and a half ago I came out to camp to counsel for the high school camp. I went as a camper for three years and I absolutely loved it, so now it is my chance to give back to it. The week was really good and just being back at camp gave me a renewed interest to make sure I read my Bible every day. My campers were not the easiest bunch of campers I had, but they were fun. They just needed a little extra help to start discussions, but once they started they were really good and just going off with it. That week was definitely not the best week of my life and I did feel rather lacking as a counseling because I got a cold that took me out for about 1 and a half days. That was no fun, but regardless it was a good week. In the beginning of the week it was really hot outside, but it slowly cooled off, which was great. Otherwards I am certain that we would have had some terribly dehydrated campers.

Now I am working at camp. I serve food in the dining hall and clean up in the kitchens. As cabins empty I clean them and I help clean the shower house. I also watch rec check so people can use basketballs and such here. This is definitely not a glamorous job, but it's a lot of fun. Yesterday after dinner I got a little frustrated with the piles of pans we had to clean (it was hard to clean during the meal, as we were unfortunately one person short, so I ended doing pans all by myself, which can only go so long until you have to move pans from one sink to the next and then to the next and then just dry them and then put them away. In otherwards, it is kind of hard with soo much by yourself, but a little got done during the serving.). In the end it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Besides Joy (a fellow worker) is a super washer. She can get through the pots and pans quicker than anyone I know! So she washed and I dried, it was a good time.

So that is basically what is going on in my life now. It is quite the neat experience and I am always excited about what is going to come next. :-) Maybe too excited at times....


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