My Crazy Life

My life as I live it....

17 August 2006

Random Things

So after I posted a lot I haven't really posted anything. Camp has been wonderful and I really haven't had enough of a reason to post anything. The people have been great to work with, although most of them are gone now. There are only 6 of us (3 guys and 3 girls, funny that it is evenly split) living on camp now and a few more living nearby that still come in.

To expand a bit on my host family, I have a Mom and three siblings at home. One of the kids is married and doesn't live at home anymore, but he visits often the paper said. Then the other three are 28, 31 and 33. I was reading up on this and apparently rent is high in Spain, but income is low. When I am there I guess I will find out why, but that is the reason I have read so far. Also in my program we are placed with one other student and my roommate is Natasha. We talked on the phone and she seems really nice, I am excited to meet her.

Yesterday Paul, he works with me here and we go to school together, taught me how to drive manuel transmission. That was fun. I have wanted to learn for quite a while now and I finally got to try! I am not great at it yet, but I am not bad for a beginner apparently. I only killed the car once and at first I had difficulties, but I can get the car to move forward on the first try most times now, with little error with how much gas I give it. It was fun!

Last night I went to see "The World Trade Center" with several other workers from here. One other girl and I went in thinking it was going to be documentation like, but then again neither of us had really heard anything about it yet. It has a definite story line that really draws you into it and you feel like you know some of these people by the end. It follows two people who were actually pulled out of the rubble. I do not know if enjoy is the correct term, but I did like it and I think it was well done. It is worth a viewing if you are thinking about it, though it is really hard to watch.

I am looking forward to the release of the movie "Babel." I read online that it was filmed in four different languages. Just my cup of tea. It should come out end of October/beginning of November. I do not go to movies often, but this one looks worth my time to se ein theaters.


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